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Aerodoc World

A year of expansion and development

10 Dec 2021

2021 has been a great year for Aerodoc’s customers, our team, and the community we serve. Our regional expansion process evolved and deepened, with the creation of new entities in Latin America and a rapid business development in Asia, Africa and the former Soviet republics, considerably expanding the geographical scope and the solutions we offer to our clients.

In our ​​services practice, the Door-to-Door service with IOR continues to be the most sought-after solution, particularly for telecommunications and technology companies that have a strong presence in central markets. With them, we have managed to expand their global sales, solving their importation of technological equipment-related needs, in various countries. And in the process, we have increased our presence in markets such as Uzbekistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, among others. This growth process has been a revolving door, bringing great value both to our clients and our company.

In our search for providing customers with more comprehensive solutions, we expanded our services offering by creating a logistics hub, enabling us to provide a comprehensive business solution, while allowing clients to choose the part or parts they need from the full scope of our services.

In the fields of image and technological tools, we have carried out an important visual identity change, and we added new self-management tools for our clients, which make their experience more efficient, expeditive and seamless. Our management portal and online quotation app allow them to have better access to our services, self-managing their operations in a “24/7-anywhere” basis, of course, with Aerodoc’s signature service and staff continuing to add value.

Last but not least, 2021 was a year of great expansion in our human resources and talent strategy. We were able to acquire some of the best human capital in the market, people which added knowledge, personal values ​​and a great desire to improve our service and support our clients. In 2022 we will continue along this path of adding talents linked to the needs of our main clients.

We are looking forward to an ever-increasing complexity in our field of business. As the world moves forward through the global pandemic, freight & cargo will continue to “dance” (as epidemiologists say) with the different aspects, regulations and situations that will appear. Some will be good, others difficult, but the general outlook remains optimistic. According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Freight Activity in the U.S Expected to Grow Fifty Percent by 2050 and U.S. Airlines Carried 3% More Cargo in September 2021 than in September 2020. 

Of course, the world’s a bigger and more complex place than a single country, but the signals are there. And we will be there too, in order to seize every opportunity and be up to any challenge. 

We want to take this opportunity to wish you the best for 2022 and that you enjoy this holiday season with your families and loved ones.

Happy 2022

The Aerodoc team

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