About Us
Meet the experts that for +25 years has made Aerodoc the main provider of integrated logistics for AAA companies.
Meet the experts that for +25 years has made Aerodoc the main provider of integrated logistics for AAA companies.
Culture and talent play a key role in Aerodoc, the specialized IOR/EOR company founded in 1997 in Miami, which today operates in more than 170 countries around the world.
Our company is led by a high-level management team, with dozens of foreign trade, logistics and compliance professionals, trained to provide service and support to clients, under the standards of companies listed on financial markets around the world.
At Aerodoc, we develope a high value-added proposal that requires experts and highly trained personnel in sectors such as IT, satellite industry or broadcasting.
Our specialized team works to providing cost-effective solutions in logistics, so continuous training is part of our DNA. In the recent years, specialized personnel in e-commerce have joined the team, who coordinate the tasks of Fulfillment in our own Warehouse and in subsidiaries around the world.
Our Team
“We have a business view and always set ambitious goals – we raise the bar; we have found a very interesting business niche – DPP with IOR – that requires expertise and allows us to deliver value-added services; and we bet on training our management to deliver professional work, with a corporate background, high-performance standards, and the strictest compliance guidelines”
Dan Zonnenschein, COO at Aerodoc.
Board Members & Executives

German Muller
Founder & CEO

Susana Alvarez Vitale
Co founder & Board Member

Dan Zonnenschein

Estefanía Sisatzky
EVP of OPS & Customer Services

Micaela Compiano
SVP Finance