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Cecilia Sandoval: “Having Status Updates Every Minute is the Key to Ensure Operational Efficiency”

25 Jan 2023

To show how we at Aerodoc handle our customers’ biggest problems, we had a conversation with US Operations & IT Solutions Team Leader Cecilia Sandoval, who explained how three key elements of our services – response time, order processing, and competitive pricing – are harmonically integrated.

Estefanía Sisatzky: For those who do not know you: Who is Cecilia Sandoval?

Cecilia Sandoval: I am a very organized, detail-oriented, process-loving person. I may look a bit stiff at first, but I like to laugh and enjoy life with friends and family. I also love traveling and getting to know different cultures. I joined Aerodoc in February 2015; I started in the commercial area, but quickly migrated to Operations, where my academic background and working experience allowed me to improve the processes Aerodoc needed to become more efficient.

My personal creed is: “If words are not accompanied by actions, they are just dust in the wind.” I believe you must back your words with actions.

E.S.: How did you develop your career in Aerodoc?

C.S.: When I joined Aerodoc, I started out in the company’s commercial area, where I learned what customers needed. In a natural way, perhaps because of my background or just out of sheer curiosity, I started to become involved in the processes. Every time I noticed a difficulty that had an impact on my area, I would take a second to analyze it and find there was an issue with management or processes, which led me to look for solutions.

Later, when I was in Operations, I had the chance to leverage my potential as a process manager, and then I was allowed to integrate my work into every company area. One of Aerodoc’s “visible products” and biggest achievements is quote automation, which has had a positive impact inside the company; we are now working to take that experience to our customers.

E.S.: From a customer perspective, what are your role’s biggest challenges?

C.S.: Regarding customers, the biggest challenges for me are response times, order processing, and pricing competitiveness. The main goal is unifying all those variables to meet expectations. We are proud of what we have to offer but are always looking to do more. The same goes for our strategic alliances with providers: We have a wonderful network of agents who can adapt to our needs to reach customers in a timely manner, and we are always trying to become even more competitive. We are competitive already, but we are always looking to go beyond. Lastly, process automation and data compiling are key to develop the tools we need according to our customers’ future requirements.

E.S.: Which of the changes taking place in the industry do you find more relevant?

C.S.: One trend on the rise is process automation, from customer requirements to taking shipments and sending them to its destination. This includes every step in the middle: making quotes, receiving shipments, status updates, and more. Having status updates every minute is key to ensure operational efficiency and help us react in an agile way to unexpected situations and predict performance scenarios by compiling associated data.



Topics on this article: Aerodoc | Cecilia Sandoval | Operations & IT Solutions Team

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