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Peru Joins Over 80 Countries Using the ATA Carnet System

23 Jul 2024

It is the third Latin American country to implement it, following Chile and Mexico. This initiative accelerates the shipment of professional equipment, commercial samples, and products for exhibitions and trade shows.


Certain customs documents are designed to streamline the process of entering goods into other countries. The ATA Carnet plays a crucial role in this area, allowing the importation of goods in more than 80 countries without the need to pay duties and taxes. Peru is now the third Latin American country to have issued this document, joining Chile and Mexico.

The ATA Carnet can provide significant advantages for companies seeking temporary imports into other countries. It reduces customs procedures, time, and costs and enhances international business opportunities for small, medium, and large enterprises.

Also known as the “passport for goods,” this instrument is managed by the International Chamber of Commerce. The World Chambers Federation (WCF) approved its implementation in Peru during a meeting in November 2023.

The primary goal of the carnet is to facilitate the temporary import and export of low-risk products, items for exhibitions or fairs, professional equipment, or high-tech items.

ATA Carnet, IOR, Logistics

Implementation in Peru

Peru’s growing economy is poised for a significant increase in its participation in foreign trade shortly. According to World Bank projections, the Peruvian economy is expected to grow by nearly 2.7% in 2024. In this context, exports and imports play a fundamental role in the country’s economic landscape, making implementing the ATA Carnet particularly important.

The Lima Chamber of Commerce, appointed by the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration, began issuing the ATA Carnet in April 2024. “The implementation of the ATA Carnet in Peru is crucial for local companies seeking to expand their operations beyond national borders, as well as for foreign companies wishing to bring goods into the country since it simplifies and accelerates customs procedures by allowing the temporary import and export of goods without paying duties and taxes,” explained Cecilia Sandoval, US Operation & IT Solution Team Leader of logistics leader Aerodoc.

“This positions Peruvian companies and Peru favorably in today’s highly competitive global market,” Sandoval continued. “It also fosters economic growth and innovation. The carnet is indispensable for Peruvian companies aiming to expand internationally and optimize their processes,” she added.

How the ATA Carnet works

The ATA Carnet is an ideal solution for temporarily exporting or importing certain goods. This” passport” allows a company to present the carnet as an entry or exit document, covering the importer’s obligation to provide a guarantee in several countries.

This documentation is valid for one year and allows for the temporary export or import of goods on an unlimited number of occasions. It also provides for an extension of the term after 12 months.

The carnet booklet has a green cover that includes the holder’s full name, the national guarantor association, the date of issue, the identification number, the countries where it is valid, and a list describing the products it covers.

ATA Carnet, IOR, Logistics

ATA Carnet may include—but is not limited to —products such as computers, network devices, tools, audiovisual equipment, electronics, industrial machinery, cars, airplanes, and satellites.

In addition to Peru, other countries, such as Saudi Arabia and the Philippines, have joined the system. The implementation of ATA Carnets became effective on June 1 for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and on July 15 for the Republic of the Philippines. 

Aerodoc manages temporary imports in any of the 80 countries where the ATA Carnet is implemented. 

If you want to expand your global reach, please consider Aerodoc’s services and contact us.

Topics on this article: ATA Carnet | Importer of Record (IOR) | Logistics

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